Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Weekend

I have a three day weekend. I spent my first day pretty well by just being lazy. But then I got sick of being lazy, so I headed for my parents house. On the way, I stopped by Jonathan's place. We talked and I ended making him late for his class. Whoops. And then I went to my parent's house where my mom and sister were doing various things. We talked for a little bit and then everybody went to bed. It was a pretty relaxing day.
This morning I got up, made phone calls to make sure everything was going as planned in the branch. And it wasn't, probably my fault. But people will survive. I then graded papers for a few hours and now I'm writing this blog. I'm thinking about my holiday has been pretty good so far, but it's going to be crazy tomorrow.
The rest of my day is pretty well planned. I'm going out with my mom today to celebrate her birthday early. There's a baptism today as well where three of my nursery kids are getting baptized! I'm super excited. And then I'm going to Columbia to spend some time with Jonathan and some other friends at a bonfire.
Tomorrow morning is when the craziness begins. I get up at the crack of dawn to spend some time with Mom (it's her actual birthday and pop has to leave for work). And then I have to leave for my 11:00 meeting back home. And then my 1:30 meeting. And then I have to give a talk (which I need to finish preparing today sometime). And then I need to practice singing for the fireside. And then there's the fireside. I probably sound a little redundant. I remember when Sunday was a relaxing day of meditation and service. But I guess it's time to "lengthen my stride."