Sunday, April 27, 2008

When to Put on Sunscreen

There was this great song that came out the year before I graduate high school. It was some good music with this guy talking about all the stuff the graduating seniors should do. The thing I remember is "Wear sunscreen."
Now, I usually forget to put on sunscreen. In fact, before my mission I can probably count the times on one hand that I put it on because I remembered. And you know, it's kind of an important thing to remember. I don't want skin cancer.
So I was trying to think of the ways we could all remember.
One way I thought of was to just buy a huge bottle of it and stick it next to your toothbrush. (Don't buy a tube, you might mistake it for your toothpaste.)
For the girls, get some foundation with a little spf in there.
The easiest way to remember is to get a sunburn. After getting a sunburn, it is so much easier to look in the mirror and then grab for the sunscreen. And honestly, that is why I even thought to write this. I spent about 3 hours watching my sister at a track meet and realized my forehead was burning.
Now if you don't have the budget to buy sunscreen, invest in an umbrella. It can save you from the rain AND the sun. When I was in Korea, people had umbrellas and sun parasols. I don't think people would really distinguish between the two in America, so I would just invest in the umbrella. Also, I did recently see the movie "Martian Child" and it could become a trend.

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