Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Raindrops on Roses

I have a cat now. And a fiance. I'm pretty happy about the second one. He's pretty awesome. The cat...well, let's say the jury is still out. That doesn't mean I'll get rid of him. I can't decide if I'll ever get another one. Koyangi is my very first pet. He's really not too expensive, but oh does he demand attention. I thought cat's didn't really need you to hold them and pet them all the time. I guess he's still a kitten, so there's still time for him to change. And yes, I know I'm whining.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Blog/Tribute to Papa

So I was supposed to write a blog about something. It was my homework...from about two weeks ago...I think. I would probably fail a blogging class...so would my sister Miki, who should be required to at least post pictures of my cute nephew niece.

My parents have come to my place for Father's Day. They are out shopping at one of my mom's favorite stores right now. I have to meet them to pick up all the stuff they are buying in a little bit.

I'll be giving a talk on Fathers tomorrow since I was one of the few who actually had "good feelings" to share about my father. That made me sad for the rest of the sisters in my branch. I want to really share something that will help them. Ever since my Papa's stroke, it's been hard to relate to him as well. I feel like I meet a different person every time. So I'm truly grateful for the good memories that I have and any of the good moments that are left to share with Papa. I've learned so much from him. I get my strong desire to do everything right from him. I've never had to doubt his love for me. He's truly left a legacy.

I also realized today while attending a friend's father's funeral, that I've been blessed with many different types of fathers. There's Larry who is always giving me dating advice. There's Brother Ebbert who is always there to give me a hug or a handshake. There was Vernon to shake his head at me when he has to tow my car yet again. There's Brother Lovett who is always interested in what I am doing and always tells me how proud he is of me. There's President Reall who teases me and gives me advice. And through all there examples, I have come to respect the Priesthood and know what to look for in the father of my children. I love my Papa, and I'm grateful for the many other examples of good men I have in my life.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

For the Love of One

It bothers me when someone doesn't like me. Well, not when it comes to students not liking me. That doesn't bother me. It's part of my job description. But when someone I like and interact with frequently says "we could never be friends," it really hurts. I don't care how old or young they are. I can only think of one person I've really disliked, and even we are friends now. I want to be their best friend now. That seems to be an irrational thought pattern.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Something Tag

Something I want to see: My wedding day ;)

Something that inspires me: effort...an effort to do right, an effort to be great at something, especially this year as I've been teaching

Something that makes me angry: to go with the last one, a lack of effort, giving up

Something that hurts a little: realizing that I can't be the perfect teacher, that I won't reach them all

Something I've gotten used to: procrastination (i really need to work on it)

Something I collect: I use to collect things stamps, now it seems i collect purses and receipts.

Something I always carry with me: My keys, my cellphone, and a prayer.

Something I want to be: a better teacher (ditto Laura)

Something I dread: failure to do my best

Something that I have learned: That people can still love me even when they know all the mistakes I make and see how disorganized I am.

Something I read: I definitely read the scriptures, and that's all I have time to read these days.

Something I want to understand: Atonement, my heart

Homemade Giveaway

OK, so this is a little bit of a twist/combination of tag/pay it forward...here goes...

The first 5 people to respond and follow through on this post will get something homemade by me!

Here are the restrictions and limitations that protect me in the giveaway:

1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make. I get to choose, you just get to receive!

2. What I create will be made just for you, one of a kind...unless it is cookies, they are made all the time and not so one of a kind, but they will be made just for you just the same.

3. It will be done this year... hopefully sooner rather than later.

4. The gift may or may not be edible, wearable or recyclable!

5. In order to be a winner, you must repost this on your blog.

The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me you did will receive one FABULOUS homemade gift by me!

After I choose the winners, you can send me your mailing address!
Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you receive it!