Monday, February 16, 2009

Something Tag

Something I want to see: My wedding day ;)

Something that inspires me: effort to do right, an effort to be great at something, especially this year as I've been teaching

Something that makes me angry: to go with the last one, a lack of effort, giving up

Something that hurts a little: realizing that I can't be the perfect teacher, that I won't reach them all

Something I've gotten used to: procrastination (i really need to work on it)

Something I collect: I use to collect things stamps, now it seems i collect purses and receipts.

Something I always carry with me: My keys, my cellphone, and a prayer.

Something I want to be: a better teacher (ditto Laura)

Something I dread: failure to do my best

Something that I have learned: That people can still love me even when they know all the mistakes I make and see how disorganized I am.

Something I read: I definitely read the scriptures, and that's all I have time to read these days.

Something I want to understand: Atonement, my heart

1 comment:

Hokie said...

Yeah new posts! Even if they were both pushed on by me. :)