Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I got a job

After much stress and prayer, I have finally gotten a job. I'm still stressed, because I didn't accept an easy job. I accepted one that will challenge me. I admire all of you who go to places far from home where you know few or no people and start a life. I'm about two hours from home and I already know a few people and I'm a little stressed. I will also be working at a high school where almost the entire faculty is new. However, I'm excited by the aspect that everyone will be in a similar boat. I'm excited that I will get to work hard and prove myself. I'm excited that I will be a working adult again. I look forward to the good conversations I will have with my Heavenly Father, because I know I will need to in order to stay sane.


Hokie said...

Your awesome, this new adventure is awesome, I know you can do it!

Jonathan and Melia said...

Thanks for saying
I'm awesome! You rock!